SAMS News for January 2025

The Kingman event is going to have to be pushed out to March because Dan can't reach anyone at the arena plus time is running short. He suggests that we host the event the weekend before winter range (Sunday March  4th). That way anyone going to the SASS Nationals (March 7th to 11th) can have a chance to practice with us.
The clinic Sunday was a blast. It was cold but zero-wind so it wasn't too bad. We had eight people show up to shoot and ride. We ate ribs and chicken off the grill and watched videos and I dissected them for my mistakes and taught what to practice and how to improve. We shot guns from the ground and then herd trained the horses. We then held an unofficial "World Championship of Single Stage One Gun New Riders Mounted Shooting"
Everyone had fun and there was alot of interest in holding another clinic in February.
Four people renewed their memberships with the LVMSA and three more signed on as new members. That's potentially seven more riders at our events!
I'll bring the membership forms and payments to the Saturday Meeting. I have a new location arranged for Sunday February 18th - Clinic and Practice - details at the meeting. (The gentleman said we could shoot as much as we want at his place).
Stay on and shoot straight!
Richard Howes

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