Silver City Shooting Society
Peanut Cowboys
To establish a program where adults can and will bring their younger children to
participate in cowboy action shooting.
Action Shooting is an expensive sport and extremely more so when more than one
family member is participating. The cost of weapons and accouterments for a
Peanut Cowboy has been taken into consideration. Allowing the use of plastic and
nylon accessories will further reduce the cost, ( the cost of a nylon shotgun
cartridge belt at K-Mart is only $5.00)
certified Peanut Cowboy/Cowgirl will recieved the reduced family rate when
signing up with his/her sponsor.
1. To qualify to become a Peanut Cowboy/cowgirl the youth must have the
maturity to SAFELY handle a weapon with and under sponsor supervision during a
match and be under the age established by SASS to be a junior.
The adult sponsor will have
instructed and practiced with the youth enough that they know what is expected
of them during a match.
The adult sponsor will be within arms
reach of the youth at all times when they have a loaded weapon.
This includes the loading area, while shooting, and the unloading area.
Period/No excuses/
4. When the adult sponsor feels the youth is ready to participate
in a match, the sponsor will make arrangements with a member of
Silver City Shooting Society to watch the youth shoot a match scenario
and certify whether the youth is ready to join in a regular match.
5. Weapons: All SASS Club rules regarding types of weapons are suspended
as necessary. The weapons for a
Peanut Cowboy can be, but not limited to;
A. Shotgun; A single shot 410 bore with ejector, cut down to fit the
shooter. This includes both the stock and barrel.
1. Recomend;
a. A recoil pad be installed, the thicker the better.
b.Leave the ejector functional, that's one less thing the youngster will
have to think about.
c. .45 Caliber Shot Cartridges work well in a 410 bore and gives no
B. Rifle; A bolt or lever action .22 cal rifle cut down to fit the
shooter. This includes both the stock and barrel.
C. Pistol: Any .22 caliber revolver single action or double action
capable of being fired single action, of a size the shooter is capable
of holding and firing safely.
6. The
Peanut Cowboy Class will compete in a modified scenario to accommodate the
weapons they are using.
7. The
requirements for leather and canvas accessories are suspended. Velcro, plastic,
ballistic nylon, etc., will be acceptable.
Western dress is still a requirement; however a more lax stand will be
tolerated. The cost of western boots for a youth that is in a growth spurt is
asking too much. Please no baseball
type caps.