Clark County Sport Shooting Facility

General Information

Pictures of Ground Breaking October 21, 2025


Clark County Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of September 19, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Buckaroos and Buckarettes!


The last couple of months of meetings for the Shooting Park have been really brief and not overly productive.  What I mean is that virtually every governmental entity that has, or thinks it has, an interest in the park has been requesting that the County make presentations to them and get their individual seal of approval.


The dedicated County staff has been working closely with the City of North Las Vegas , the Southern Nevada Water Authority, Nevada Power, BLM, EPA, and on and on.  As we move forward with these regulators, the plans are taking shape for all aspects of the park.  Our people have been addressing everything from computer/internet connectivity at the park to fire suppression.  Pards, it don�t never stop!!


But stop it will, at least on October 21st! October 21st will be a day for everybody to put on their best Cowboy and Cowgirl party clothes and help us celebrate the ground breaking for the Shooting Park !!  Yep, it�s finally here.  Our plans and dreams are finally gonna start comin� together and the first spade of dirt is gonna be turned!


There will be music, food, and more!! And it�s all �FREE�!!  Yep, it�s gonna be a real hoe down and every one of ya is invited!  Festivities kick off at 10:30 a.m. at the sight.


Please go to: for directions on how to get to the Park and more info. Here�s an opportunity for ya to be a part of history!!


Until next time, I remain your humble servant

Otto N. Sure


Clark County Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of June 20, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Compadres!


Y�all may have noticed that there wasn�t a report last month.  That�s because the Parks Dept. decided to take a break while the �new� Advisory Committee was being set up.


Every year the Advisory Committee is reconstituted.  Members that want off take their leave and an occasional new member is added.   This normally happens in April or May.  This year only one member has been replaced.  The rest of us continue to serve at the pleasure of the Clark County Board of Commissioners.


This is my 4th year representing the interests of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Action shooters and I am proud to say that it�s been a real pleasure.


Now onto what we met about this week.  We continue to cover the boring stuff.  As I�ve said time and time again, if were up to you and me we would have been shootin� here years ago.  Unfortunately it doesn�t work that way.  We are now concerned with building the �infrastructure�.  What�s that you might ask, well it�s movin� dirt, layin� pipe, hangin� electric wires, etc., etc.


We are still in the infrastructure design phase. We have to build an extension to Decatur connecting the entry of the park with the street some half a mile away.  We will have to have hundreds of feet of water and sewer lines.  We need a plan for fire suppression and fire hydrant placement with appropriate water flow requirements.  Communications is an issue as there are no phone lines nearby. We have to plan for the �100 year flood�...I think you get the picture.


Well many of the initial designs are at their 50% completion point.  When they reach 75%-90% then contracts will start to be let for the beginning of Phase I of the park.  This target of 75% complete on the design should occur late this summer for some of the items such as the Decatur extension.  We hope to break ground in late October or early November for initial dirt work.


We�ll keep y�all posted as we get closer to this really historic day when the first shovel of dirt is tossed!


On another note.  We are concerned about the upcoming primaries and election for a new Clark County sheriff.  I�m sure y�all are aware that back some 10 years ago or so the State of Nevada passed a �pre-emption� law. This law stated that no ordinance in any city or county concerning firearms could be stricter than state laws.  There was only one exception to this law, yep you guessed it... Clark County !


As advocates for our shooting park we are hoping to bring Clark County , Boulder City and North Las Vegas under the pre-emption statute. Why? Because we have some very restrictive ordinances that will hinder our ability to conduct world class events at the park.  As an example Clark County �s handgun registration ordinance requires that if you are in the county for 24 hours or more you MUST register your handgun! (This means that a whole lot of folks that have shot the Eldorado Cowboys and Silver City Shooters annual matches have been in violation of County ordinances!)  Boulder City has a unique ordinance regarding transportation of firearms through their fair city.  The City of North Las Vegas has some very confusing ordinances about firearms in your vehicle.


The candidates for sheriff will be asked if they will support the repeal of Clark County �s archaic and ineffective handgun registration ordinance.  We will let everyone know who is with us and who isn�t.


That�s about it for now. Until next time, I remain your humble servant:


Otto N. Sure


Clark County Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of April 18, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Buckaroos and Buckarettes!


The CCSP Advisory committee met last evening and it�s now kinda gettin� to the boring and technical stuff.


Although borin�, I kept wide awake so that I could convey what�s been happin� this last month or so.  Don Turner reported that we are now done with 30% of civil and architectural design phase.  He had blue prints for us to look at.  I tell ya true, I never did see so much paper tellin� us where they�re gonna move dirt to!!


And that�s what most of this is about.  Movin� dirt for berms; movin� dirt for flood abatement and containment; movin dirt for roads; movin� dirt fer this or that!  It�s just amazin�!!


We have a range development consultant who has advised that we reconfigure the Public Day Use range to better accommodate pistol shooters.  The concern had been that if we make all bays the same length, pistol shooters firing at closer distances would have their spent bullets skip and ricochet over berms and perhaps cause a lead abatement problem. There will be designated pistol bays in the Public Day Use range with much shorter distances to the berm so that spent bullets will embed themselves and not skip or ricochet.


One of the biggest parts of our project is what�s called the �Decatur Extension�.  In essence this is extending Decatur from it�s current end point out to the range.  Concern has been expressed about traffic congestion, especially following large events.  The new road is being designed as a 3 lane so that the middle lane can be switched when necessary to ease entry or egress.  There is enough right of way to handle a 4 lane street if and when it becomes necessary.


The Advisory Committee will be at the upcoming Boy Scout Expo showing the public our progress, y�all are invited to it on May 9th.


That�s about it for now. Until next time, I remain your humble servant.


Otto N. Sure

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of March 21, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Pards and Pardettes!


The Clark County Shooting Park Advisory Committee met this week and it was a durn good meetin� with nearly 30 members showin� up!  We were brought up to speed on the various engineering activities goin� on.  It appears that we will be able to secure our water from the City of North Las Vegas without much problem.  Nevada Power is co-operating, so far, regarding gettin� power in.  And the beat goes on!


We were shown two architectural renderings for the exterior design of the various building that will be on site.  One design was a fairly bland concrete and steel building with a style one could call �public building generic�.  The other was a lot better.  It is a modern rendition of the old west or ranch house style.  Both designs use colored and textured concrete blocks, but the ranch house design just comes off better.  I wasn�t alone in this opinion either as the committee voted overwhelmingly for this design to be presented to the Clark County Board of Commissioners.


In addition to seeing the exterior designs, we also were shown actual floor plans for several of the key buildings.  Folks you ARE going to be impressed with the thought that went into these.  Some of the highlights:  gun storage lockers at the clay range for out-of-town shooters to store their guns while they stay at local hotels; flexible meeting rooms that allow them to be reconfigured depending on the needs of the group using them; hand washing stations near every range to prevent personal lead contamination.  Yep, a lot of thought went into these designs.


We are still shootin� for a ground breaking sometime this fall.  The timelines are lookin� good for this and most of the engineering is on or ahead of schedule.


Don Turner is waiting on final approval of a �Partnership� document that would allow group, organizations, and corporations to enter into an agreement with the range for mutual benefit.  What that means is that if a local company wanted to use the range for ballistic testing, a deal could be struck exchanging services between the range and the company.  The County Attorney �s office is working out the details so that we can go forward soliciting these kinds of groups, organizations and companies.


That�s about it for now. Until next time, I remain your humble servant.


Otto N. Sure

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of February 21, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Buckaroos and Buckarettes!


We had just a great meeting Tuesday night!  As you may have seen, either in the R-J or from the posting that Hick put up, we have received our complete and total funding request from Round 6 of the SNPLMA disbursement.  Thanks to you and the thousands who wrote the BLM, Secretary Norton, and President Bush the BLM through the SNPLMA program has authorized an additional $42 million for our Shooting Park !!


This won�t completely build it, but it will come close. We still will need funding for our Visitor�s Center, but we have plans on how to acquire it.


Our booth at the recent S.H.O.T. show was very successful.  We made contacts with more than 1,000 attendees and a number of national shooting organizations were ready to commit to moving major events here.  Unfortunately we cannot commit until we are further into the construction process.  We did receive a commitment from the National 4-H to hold their 2025 national shooting event here!


We heard from some of our county planners and the current estimate for total covered and enclosed area of our approximately 21 building on site is now at 92,000 square feet and this does not include the visitor center.  This is made up of everything from maintenance buildings to public restrooms, to the Hunter Education building.


At our next meeting we will be shown two �themes� for the park architecture.  One will be a Southwest/Hacienda style and the other will be a Frontier/Old West style�similar to the building at the new Frontier Trails Park on West Warm Springs.  I believe that whichever design we accept it will fit well into our Southern Nevada lifestyle and our site at the base of the mountains.


Another area of concern that is being worked on is the incompatible handgun laws on the books for Clark County , the City of Las Vegas , the City of North Las Vegas , the City of Henderson , and the City of Boulder City.  Back in the mid 1980�s when Nevada �s pre-emption law went into effect, these entities were �grandfathered� to allow their restrictions to stay in place.  Now that we will be hosting major events at our Shooting Park , it is evident that we will have to get these changed.  As an example, almost every out of state attendee at the recent Silver City Shooter�s Western Cup was violating at least one Clark County ordinance�all handguns brought into Clark County must be registered with Metro within 24 hours.


Although this hasn�t really been a problem in the past, it could be once we have national attention focused on our park.  We�ll keep you informed as this develops, we may need your support to help overturn these archaic and intrusive ordinances.


That�s about it for now. Until next time, I remain your humble servant.


Otto N. Sure

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For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday, February 7, 2025

Contact: Sharyn Stein  202-224-1619  



Washington , D.C. � Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) announced $42 million today for construction of the Clark County Shooting Park . The funding comes from a special account created under the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act.

�The Clark County Shooting Park will be an incredible resource for Nevadans,� said Reid. �This funding will help give shooting enthusiasts and hunters a world-class sports facility, and it will help improve public safety.�

In 2025, Reid secured almost 3,000 acres of federal land at the north end of the Las Vegas Valley for the development of a world class shooting facility. Last year, Reid announced $15 million for planning and design of the park. The additional funding announced today will allow construction at the site to begin within the next few months.

�When Senator Reid started this project, some folks thought it was too ambitious and would never happen, �said John Cahill, Chairman of the Nevada Outdoor Democratic Caucus. �This new funding makes the Shooting Park a reality. As a result, families will have a safe public facility to learn firearms safety and shoot together.�

The Clark County Shooting Park will bring new visitors and major sporting competitions to Southern Nevada . It will also help the county build on the success of other shooting and hunting-related events like the Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Tradeshow (SHOT Show), which is expected to draw 40,000 visitors to Las Vegas this week. 

�This facility will be a great asset for our Nevada shooters and visitors alike,� said Don Turner, the Clark County Shooting Park Manager. �I appreciate the effort of Senator Reid and the entire Nevada delegation in supporting this shooting park.�

The Clark County Shooting Park will also improve public safety. Southern Nevada �s rapid growth has created new developments that are encroaching on traditional shooting areas. The new Clark County Shooting Park will make sure that high-quality shooting facilities are available at a safe distance from local communities. 

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of December 20, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Cowboys and CowgirlsMerry Christmas & Happy New Years!


We had our last meeting of 2025 and learned some important things.  One, the members of the Advisory Committee are some purty durn good cooks!  We had a little pot luck to celebrate the Season and it was just fabulous!


Second, we have entered into an agreement with the City of North Las Vegas .  Through this agreement, it looks like well have our water and sewer needs taken care of.  We also found out that we probably will be responsible for constructing a road from where Decatur ends to the shooting park.


We are hopefully going to conduct ground breaking ceremonies for Phase I sometime in June 2025, with completion of Phase I to be scheduled for October of 2025.  Well let yall know more when we get closer to June.


We did receive some very encouraging news.  Secretary Norton has been given a positive recommendation by the Executive Committee for the Department of the Interior for our complete funding request.  We believe that all of the encouragement for our park from around the country and the world will lead her to sign it. We should know in the next six weeks or so.


A civil engineering firm and an architectural firm have been chosen by the Clark County Board of Commissioners for the park.  Both have already begun their design work.  Speaking of design work, Ive been chosen to work with the architectural firm providing input regarding the look of the parks buildings and other facilities.  This should be interesting.  Our first meeting will be January 3, 2025 .


Thats about it for now.


  Until next time, I remain your humble servant.


Otto N. Sure  

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of November 15, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Pards and Pardettes!



Well we�re closin� in on the end of the year and there�s stuff happenin�!  October�s Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee meetin� was pretty much a minimal progress report, but we heard a lot more positive news at the November meeting.


Due to your letters of support for complete funding of the Park, the BLM Executive Committee has recommended FULL funding of our $42 Million round 6 request!!  The last hurdle is the Secretary of the Interior, Gale Norton, approving this recommendation.  We are hopeful that we will hear her decision in the next couple of months. If we need more letters to her, I�ll let y�all know.


We received all the zoning approvals that we requested to change the Park�s zoning from rural to recreational. The Clark County Board of Commissioners is 110% behind our Park.


Design of the actual buildings and infrastructure is moving forward. An engineering and architectural firm will be selected soon to design Phase I and set the parameters for all future designs.  Phase I is what we call the Public Ranges .  These include a 200 yard rifle/pistol range, a Hunter Education Center , 24 combination trap & skeet fields, an archery range, maintenance buildings and roadways. 


We are targeting October 2025 for Phase I to be complete�if all goes well.  We are looking for a groundbreaking ceremony late this Spring.


The CCSSP will have an exhibit booth at the upcoming S.H.O.T. Show in February.  Your scribe and members of the Advisory Committee will be manning the booth to tell the world of our progress and to solicit resources that the PLMA funds won�t cover, for example the actual trap machines are not covered in the PLMA funds.


The Clark County Parks Dept. has applied for a grant from the NRA Foundation to outfit a 30� long mobile firearms safety classroom. This facility will be able to go to local schools, scouting functions, 4 H events, gun shows, etc. to bring excellent instruction and information to the entire community.


As you can see, we ARE making progress.  I am confident that 2025 is going to be a �Banner� year for our shooting park.  The only hindrance, and it could be a big one, is if the Secretary of the Interior does not approve our funding.  There still remains a lot of interest in �stealing� Nevada �s PLMA money, but as of right now the 1998 law is still in effect and these funds cannot be transferred to Louisiana , Mississippi , etc. to pay for disaster relief.


We�ll keep ya�ll posted as we continue to serve you, the cowboy shooters of Southern Nevada .  Until next time, I remain your humble servant.


Otto N. Sure  

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of September 20, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Pards and Pardettes!



Were almost out of time for you to personally make an impact on whether we get no funding, partial funding, or complete funding from PLMA monies. As Ive mentioned in my last two monthly reports, the public comment period will be over September 28th.  If you have not already sent in a real letter, its now time!  What I mean as a real letter is that BLM now acknowledges that the shooting park has generated more positive response than any other PLMA projectever!  On the other hand, they think that the form letters that we have sent in are little more than ballots.  Theyve counted them, but they really arent impressed much by them. 


What each of us needs to do is write a personal letter outlining what the park will mean to you, your family, and your sport.  How the park will increase safety in the desert.  How the park will help to increase participation in the shooting sports.  These are all elements that should be in your letter.


Handwritten, typed, computer generated, it doesnt matter.  Just write a letter and encourage your friendsin state and out of stateto do the same.  Its that important.  We need full and complete funding. There is no guarantee that the park will be able to acquire additional funds in Round 7in fact theres no guarantee that there will even be a Round 7 to grant funds.  Here are some important points:


1.          Total disbursement in Round 6 is $1.13 billion; the Clark County Sport Shooting Park only needs $42 million for complete and total build out.  If I did my math right, this is less than 4% of the total being allocated.


2.          More than a quarter of a million shooters live in Clark County , meaning that the Sport Shooting Park will impact more citizens than any other PLMA project.


3.          The Shooting Park has received support from the City of Las Vegas , Clark County , the Nevada State Legislature, and every elected representative of Nevada in Washington .


4.          The Shooting Park will not only answer the needs of local area residents, but will have an impact regionally given its proximity to the states of Arizona , California , and Utah .


5.          Delaying the total funding of the Shooting Park now will only increase its cost as construction costs continue to rise in the greater Las Vegas Valley .


6.          Denying complete and total funding will mean that there will be continued pressure on the fragile desert as shooter search for a place to safely practice.


Im sure you can think of other reasons that the park should be completely funded now, be sure to include them in your letter.


Please direct your letters to:


Mr. Merv Boyd, Assistant Field Manager

Bureau of land Management

4701 N. Torrey Pines

Las Vegas , NV 89130


In other news:  We now have a Gant Chart!!! Ya dont know what a Gant Chart is?? Well hombres, it is a timeline/action steps chart that illustrates the intended progress of construction.  Based on this chart, were expecting to see the range open for businessat least Phase Iin the third quarter of 2025.


There are so many things that can alter this timeline, but its a start.  It shows everything from obtaining the zoning changes that are necessary right up to and including the first shot down range!  Every detail is timed out; when the item will be started and when it will be completed.  If anyone would like to see a copy of this, just let me know.


Don Turner, our Range Director, will be going to Alaska in the next few weeks to attend the upcoming NRA Board meeting.  While there, Don will make a presentation about our range to the NRA Range Committee.  Theyve asked Don to do this so that they all will understand how significant this will be to all of the shooting sports in America .


The new shooting range at Sparta , IL , which has been vying for national and world shooting competitions, has announced that they will NOT be building out their range as originally proposed.  What that means is that our range may the only one in America that will be able to accommodate some of these major events.  The National Sporting Clays Association has been in contact with us to see if we will be able to handle regional and national events.




Until next time, I remain your humble servant--


Otto N. Sure


Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of August 16, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Buckaroos and Buckarettes!


I come to you this month with mixed news.  It appears that the Nevada National Guard has a keen interest in using the Shooting Park facilities and building out the Tactical Area that was being dropped in our last proposal to BLM.  They have approximately $3 Million to contribute and it now is being discussed at the highest levels of the Guard.


Were starting to run out of time for you to personally make an impact on whether we get no funding, partial funding, or complete funding from PLMA monies. As Ive mentioned in my last two monthly reports, the public comment period will be over September 28th.  If you have not already sent in a real letter, its now time!  What I mean as a real letter is that BLM now acknowledges that the shooting park has generated more positive response than any other PLMA projectever!  On the other hand, they think that the form letters that we have sent in are little more than ballots.  Theyve counted them, but they really arent impressed much by them. 


What each of us needs to do is write a personal letter outlining what the park will mean to you, your family, and your sport.  How the park will increase safety in the desert.  How the park will help to increase participation in the shooting sports.  These are all elements that should be in your letter.


Handwritten, typed, computer generated, it doesnt matter.  Just write a letter and encourage your friendsin state and out of stateto do the same.  Its that important.  We need full and complete funding. There is no guarantee that the park will be able to acquire additional funds in Round 7in fact theres no guarantee that there will even be a Round 7 to grant funds.  Here are some important points:


1.          Total disbursement in Round 6 is $1.13 billion; the Clark County Sport Shooting Park only needs $42 million for complete and total build out.  If I did my math right, this is less than 4% of the total being allocated.


2.          More than a quarter of a million shooters live in Clark County , meaning that the Sport Shooting Park will impact more citizens than any other PLMA project.


3.          The Shooting Park has received support from the City of Las Vegas , Clark County , the Nevada State Legislature, and every elected representative of Nevada in Washington .


4.          The Shooting Park will not only answer the needs of local area residents, but will have an impact regionally given its proximity to the states of Arizona , California , and Utah .


5.          Delaying the total funding of the Shooting Park now will only increase its cost as construction costs continue to rise in the greater Las Vegas Valley .


6.          Denying complete and total funding will mean that there will be continued pressure on the fragile desert as shooter search for a place to safely practice.


Im sure you can think of other reasons that the park should be completely funded now, be sure to include them in your letter.


Please direct your letters to:


Mr. Merv Boyd, Assistant Field Manager

Bureau of land Management

4701 N. Torrey Pines

Las Vegas , NV 89130


In other news:  if you havent subscribed to the Clark County Sport Shooting Park eBULLETin heres the link:


This is an excellent overview of whats been going on.  Thats about it for now,


Until next time, I remain your humble servant--


Otto N. Sure

Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of July 19, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Compadres!


We had our most recent meeting of the Advisory Committee this week and it was a GOOD one!  As most of you know who�ve been following the saga of the funding of the park, we ran into a real barrier when our funding proposal was rejected by a sub group of the BLM.  For a bit of a refresher, we submitted a total request of approximately $45 Million to completely build out the park to the Parks, Trails and Natural Areas sub group for approval back in January.  We were informed in February that they were rejecting our request.


That rejection prompted a tremendous outpouring of support for the park by local, state and national organizations and political entities.  More than 100 letters were received by the BLM in support of the total funding of the park�more on this later.  All of this effort may be paying off.  Don Turner, our Shooting Park Director, and various members of the Parks Department and County Commission were given an opportunity to present the merits of the Shooting Park again to the BLM.  This is almost unprecedented.  In the past when a sub group makes a recommendation it pretty much is given a rubber stamp. 


The BLM appears to be very receptive to the small changes that the County is suggesting that should overcome the objections of the sub group.  One is the elimination of the Law Enforcement only area (we had decided earlier that if the Law Enforcement community wanted special features they�d have to build them themselves anyway) and modifications to the Park Center .  The objection to the Park Center was the �for profit� areas within it.  That would have been the Pro Shop, concession areas, etc.  Apparently no project that receives funds from Uncle Sugar can make money to sustain itself!!


Based on the county�s modifications it looks like we may get approval for approximately $36 Million.  This amount, coupled with the $17 Million that we have already received, may be almost enough to build out the park completely.  The Parks Department will go to other sources for whatever the shortfall might be... our back to BLM for Round 7.


This is not a done deal by any stretch.  As mentioned above the BLM has received only about 100 letters in support of complete funding for the Park.  Granted, this is about 10 times as many as any other project currently being considered, but it sure isn�t much by the standard that several hundred thousand shooters live in the Valley.  We need you to continue to show your support for the park by sending letters to the BLM.  Specifically we need to ask that the Park be completely funded in Round 6.  An example of a letter you can use is attached.


In other news, the county is starting the permitting and zoning processes for the park.  We will need in excess of 25 different permits from about that many governmental agencies!  It�s amazing how many agencies have a say in what we want to do!  Also there is a need to change the zoning of the property.  Currently it�s zoned Residential�as is all undeveloped desert area in Clark County .  And it goes on and on.


As of right now, the Parks Department has not submitted a name to the County Commission , so you still have time to come with something better than � Clark County Shooting Park �.  For suggestions, please see my report from last month.


We have now purchased a portable display booth to be used at various shows including the 2025 SHOT show that will again be held here in Las Vegas .  This is professional quality display that will really showcase our Park to the world. 




Until next time, I remain your humble servant�--


Otto N. Sure




To Print a Sample Letter (Click Here)


Mr. Merv  Boyd, Assistant Area Manager

Las Vegas Field Office, Bureau of Land Management

4701 N. Torrey  Pines

Las Vegas , NV 89130


Dear Mr. Boyd:


Please accept this letter as my comments to the public input process concerning the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act Round 6 Recommendations. I am extremely disappointed that the Parks, Trails, and Natural Area's Sub Group did not recommend the Clark County Sport Shooting Park for full funding without any changes.


The Clark County Sport Shooting Park will be the only public shooting area in the Las Vegas Valley . Over the course of the life of the SNPLMA many parks, trails and natural areas have been funded for other outdoor recreation users. In over five years of funding, with $1.6 billion of public money spent, only a very small portion has been allocated for a park to provide a place for safe recreational shooting. It is time to recognize the recreational shooter as a valid constituent as per your national mandate for multiple use facilities.


Now is the time to respond to the needs of the more than one quarter million recreational and hobby shooters that reside in the Las Vegas valley and the thousands of American citizens that will come to participate in shooting events at the park.  Their need is valid.  Their need is legitimate.  Their need is greater than any other group vying for funding in Round 6.


I urge the Bureau of Land Management and the Secretary of the Interior to fully fund Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Clark County Sport Shooting Park in Round 6 with no changes or omissions.


Thank you for your attention to this matter,






Sign _______________________________________



Print ____________________________________________________




Address _______________________________________________________________



City ________________________, State _________________________  Zip ____________



  Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of June 21, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Pards and Pardettes!


Here it is the second meeting of the year already!  A bunch of news to share with you so hold onto your reins and let 'er buck! 


Don Turner reported that he has been working on upgrading the Parks web page and is now distributing an eBULLETin to interested citizens.  Check out the link at  The Parks department has now purchased an exhibit booth to use at various conventions, gun shows and the like to showcase the Shooting Park . It should be here sometime in August.


As mentioned last month, the initial engineering survey discovered several problems with the original layout of the park.  The new layout is illustrated at the shooting parks website, just click on Plan and you can see that its going to be a little more compact than originally designed.  It will, however, have every element of the initial layout.


We were sorta updated on the status of Round 6 PLMA funding.  BLM is still accepting public comment regarding disbursement of funds for the park---have you written your letter asking that BLM completely fund the shooting park?  If not, WHY NOT?  You can still send your comments in until September. The county is appealing the sub groups decision to the next level of BLM bureaucracy and there seems to be some hope that we will prevail.


The permitting process is now beginning.  You have no idea how many permits its going to take to build this thing!  Its amazing.  In order to be sure nothin falls between the cracks, Parks and Rec has hired a firm to coordinate the various departments, companies, etc. that are and will be involved.  Im encouraged to see this step as this company will be responsible for keeping the Shooting Park on track.


Following this presentation by the management company we were handed out a bunch of material regarding branding of the park.  Don wants to name it quickly so that the exhibit booth can be done with the new name. Unfortunately, this is where Im partin ways with him.


Heor his bosses(?)seem to be stuck on one of these two names:  Clark County Shooting Park or The Las Vegas Mountains Shooting Park.  Dont either one of those just sing?  At the meeting last month Don had asked for input regarding naming the park.  Your obedient servant came up with the following as suggestions for a possible name: (if you want to know the reasoning behind each name, just let me know)


1.        Silver Mountain Sport Shooting Park

2.        Silver Mountain Sport Shooting Park and Recreational Area

3.        The Shooting Park at Silver Mountain

4.           SHOOT! Las Vegas

5.        The Shooting Park at Mountains Edge

6.        The Shooting Park at Dinosaur Wash

7.        Moccasin Tracks International Shooting Park and Recreational Area

8.        Ancient Ruins International Shooting Park

9.        The Shooting Park at Desert Plains

10.    The Shooting Park at Paiute Plains

11.    Diablo Flats International Shooting Park and Recreational Facility

12.    The Shooting Park at Diablo Flats

13.    Paiute Plains International Shooting Park

14.    Sagebrush Flats Shooting Park

15.    The Shooting Park at Sagebrush Flats


Not one of the above was presented to the Advisory Committee by the Parks Departmentnor did any other Advisory Committee member bring forward any suggestions.  It was up to me to pass out colored illustrations of each of the names to show how they might look as a Brand.  Because of the feeling that the Parks Department was trying to ram one of their less than exciting names on us, the decision to approve any name has been held off until July.


I really encourage each of you to let the Advisory Committee, the Parks Department and your County Commissioner know what you think will be an appropriate name for our world class facility.  I can furnish you with the illustrations I used if youd like to see them.  Just let me know.


If you look at the names that have been given to our parks here in Clark County you can see that imagination has never been one of their strong suits. I really believe we need a name with some ZING for the park.  Just think of the creative names that developers have given golf courses and you get an idea of how important a good name is.


Our next meeting will be the third Tuesday of July and dont forget that the Friends of the Shooting Park meet the second Tuesday at the Blue Ox on West Sahara . I encourage yall to attend either or both of these meetingsespecially if you have a better idea for a name of our park than what the Parks Department is suggesting.


Until next time, I remain yer humble servant,


Otto N. Sure


Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of May 4, 2025

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Pards and Pardettes!


Well, we�re back!  Yep the 4th iteration of the Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee has been officially renewed for 2025. We had our first meeting of the �new� year (only government thinks that the new year starts in May!)this past week. We have about 6 or 8 new members replacing those that have moved on.  A couple of new names that you might know are Floyd Coons of Masters Shooters Supply and Deputy Chief Tom Lozich of Metro.


John Lee was re-elected Chairman and Chuck Musser was re-elected Vice Chairman.  John Lee who is in the Nevada State Senate gave us an overview of the legislative efforts to obtain complete funding for our park.  The Senate has passed a resolution and the Assembly is scheduled to do the same asking the President and Secretary of the Interior to fund the park as requested in the most recent round of PLMA disbursements. Everyone is hopeful that we�ll receive the entire $45 Million that we have asked for.


We were told that all pre-engineering has been completed and that there were a couple of surprises.  Mostly they have found prehistoric bones in the south west and south central areas of the property.  In addition, there is a concern about water drainage if a 100 year flood would ever hit the park.  As a consequence, the park elements will be sited a little differently than originally proposed to avoid these two problems.  Every element will still be there, but the layout will be a little more compact.


This year we will be setting up task forces to address specific needs.  The first is the �Branding Task Force�.  Nope we ain�t gonna get some dogies and sizzle their hide!  This is the group that will try to find a better and more appropriate name for the park.


The county has a number of specific requirements in the naming of any park property, but primarily it must reflect the community that it�s in and cannot be named after any living individual�there�s a bunch more, but those are the primary.


Don Turner�our Park Director�has �discovered� that there is a range of mountains in front of the Mud Mountains called the Las Vegas Range, folks that have lived here all their lives never heard this before.  Anyway he�d like to incorporate that name into the park, something like �The Las Vegas Range Shooting Park�.  I, personally, think that has no glitz or glamour so I and the Branding Task Force are trying to come up with some alternatives.  ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!! If�n ya got a good idea, PLEASE let me know.


That�s about it for now.  We have formed a �Friends of the Park� Foundation and a �Friends of the Park� citizens group to support the park.  Their next meeting will be Tuesday, May 10th at the Blue Ox on West Sahara at 7:00 p.m.   Anyone interested in getting involved is more than welcome.  The Blue Ox has great pub food and the beer is cold!


Until next time, I remain yer humble servant,


Otto N. Sure


  Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of 2/8/05 -PART II (MAYBE THE LAST)


Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters




I come to ya with my sombrero in hand and my head bowed.  This was to be Part II of the most recent meeting of the Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee.  I was gonna tell ya about the progress that's been made, about how well our booth was received at the SHOT Show, how excited all of the committee members were as we embark on our third year.  Yep, I was gonna tell ya all about it, but I received some news last night that makes me sick at heart.  Let me reprint it here just as it came to me:



Dear Advisory Committee,

 We have just received word that the Parks, Trails & Natural Areas Subgroup has completed the review of the proposals for Round 6 SNPLMA funds.  Recommendations from this local group will be moved through the BLM to the Secretary of the Interior for her final approval. Unfortunately, the Sport Shooting Park proposal was not included in the list of recommended projects.


 The Round 6 budget was $227 million and the PTNA subgroup reviewed 96 proposals that totaled $877 million in requested funds.  There was a great deal of competition for limited funds and the PTNA group faced many tough choices.  Ultimately, they determined that projects most closely aligned with the green parks, trails and land preservation program should be recommended for approval.


Kathleen Blakely , Sr Analyst

 Parks Planning Office


First it was President Bush's proposal to steal Nevada's birthright by repealing the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 and now our Shooting Park will not receive any additional funding from this source-at least not in 2025.


Yep, we do have $15 Million in "seed" money from Round 5, but this is totally insufficient to fund what we have all been calling a "World Class" shooting facility.  The Clark County Sport Shooting Park is gonna be 2880 acres of desert with a couple of berms and a concrete block guard house.  The county has spent in excess of $500,000 on required and mandated pre-engineering studies and there are still more that will have to be done before one cubic yard of dirt is moved.  It's really hard to believe, but $15 Million don't buy what it used to.


Where do we go from here?  I have no idea.  We had been assured for more than six months that the Park was receiving full funding in Round 6.  Every mayor in Clark County , every city council in Clark County , and all of our state and national legislators asked that the Shooting Park be completely funded. The Shooting Park had been designated by the Parks and Rec Department as their number one priority for funding in this round, but somehow the weenies who serve on the PTNA sub group-and I have no clue as to who these faceless, tree huggin', land grabbin', anti gunners are-felt that they know what is better for the citizens of Clark County and Nevada.


I've been actively involved in the Shooting Park for nearly 5 years and feel that I and my 20+ enthusiastic committee members have not only been stabbed in the back but that we have wasted countless hours in an exercise in futility.


Granted, there are other sources of funds, but they are nickel and dimes compared to the real money it will take to do this the way it should be done.


Mi amigos, if you've been shooting at Desert Sportsman, Boulder Rifle & Pistol, or the deserts of Jean and Indian Springs you've been shooting at facilities that probably are better than the Clark County Sport Shooting Park will be in any of our lifetimes.


I'm not givin' up the fight, but I feel like the crap's been kicked out of me.


 Your humble servant,

Otto N. Sure


Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of 2/8/05


Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


Howdy Pards and Pardettes!


Do ya all remember the old Western where the little widder woman is tryin' to keep her ranch, but the mean ol' banker is tryin' to take it from her through any means he can 'cuz gold was found on it?  Well a version of this scenario may be playin' out soon on a chunk of desert that is supposed to be our world class shooting facility!!


In President Bush's 2025 budget that was proposed this week we find that he and his political weenies are going after our PLMA money to off-set the Federal deficit.  For a little background, the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 designated that proceeds from federal government land sales in Southern Nevada stay in our state.  These funds, by law, are to be used for education, water resources and recreation for the citizens of Nevada .  This law has been a boon for all of us.  New parks, hiking trails, horse trails, etc. have been funded by this act.  Of course, this is where the Clark County Sport Shooting Park is getting its funds as well.


To put it into perspective; the last big land sale in Clark County netted $602.5 Million for 2,284 acres. To paraphrase the Bush Administration, "This is just too durn much moola fer them desert rats! We want it and we're gonna get it!"  They think that the sale of OUR land to OUR developer & realtors for sale to OUR residents should oughta belong to THEM!!


Now they ain't plannin' on takin' it all, no just 70% of it!  I could go on and on, but the bottom line is we gotta stop 'em and fast!!  Our entire congressional delegation (Reid, Ensign, Gibbons, Berkley , and Porter) are in opposition to this theft of OUR money.  The Las Vegas City Council, Henderson City Council, etc., etc. are all on our side.  The State legislature will be sending an opposition letter on this as well.


What can YOU do??  Well first send letters to Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior, and President Bush.  Remind the President that we gun owners were a major reason that he slid past Kerry in the last election.  Ask if this is how his administration thanks us?  Y'all know the drill.  As important as writing a letter to the administration, ya need to contact your friends and relatives who live in other states.  Try to get them to do the same kind of letter writing and contact their own state's congressional delegation in Washington . If you know someone at the NRA, make them aware of this too.  We need all the support that we can get!


What are the chances that they're gonna get the 1998 law changed?  We just don't know. Harry Reid has vowed that he'll stop it (now we'll see if bein' the Senate's Minority Leader really means something), but there are a lot of politicians droolin' over Nevada 's riches and they all want a piece of our pie.


So don't just sit there; get yer fingers busy writtin' letters, callin' friends and family. It's up to you to tell the story that once again the Feds are tryin' to steal Nevada !!


I'll be doin' a full report on the actual progress of the Park in the next day or so, but this is just too darn important.  If you need any more information, etc., just let me know.


 Your humble servant,

Otto N. Sure

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of 12/14/04


Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters


A great big Happy Cowboy Christmas to all my Pards and Pardettes! We had our last meeting of 2025 on the evening of the 14th.  With this meeting, we've just about fulfilled our 2025 charter with the Clark County Commissioners.  Our three task forces: Marketing, Finance, & Business; have mostly completed their recommendations for these aspects of development.


What's that all mean?  It means that we now will have the blueprint for most of the operations of the Shooting Park .  Yep, a whole lot of specifics will be determined later, but we now have the broad strokes for how the Park will operate. Don Turner, our Park consultant, will be writing the final draft for presentation to the County Commission in late January or early February.  We will have some oversight on this document and will provide input at our next full Advisory Committee meeting on January 11th.


Here are some other highlights of our meeting:


          BLM has told Parks and Rec that we should have no Desert Tortoise, Bear Poppy, or Las Vegas Buckwheat problems at the site.  This had been a concern since the Bear Poppy and Las Vegas Buckwheat had been found in nearby areas recently-both of these are on the endangered species list.

          S.H.O.T. Show-The Shooting Park will have a booth at the upcoming S.H.O.T. Show here at the Convention Center in late January.  We will be informing the national and international shooting community about our park with members of the committee and Parks and Rec. staff.

          Nevada Power-The valley's main utility provider has asked to do environmental studies on the park's Northern and Eastern boundaries in preparation for a request for a right of way.

          Pre-Engineering-Pogamier Engineering will have all the pre-engineering completed at the site by the end of January with their report due at the end of February.  We were told that they are a bit ahead of schedule.  They have been doing studies on archeology, flood plain, soil, etc.

          Homeland Security-The Department of Homeland Security may have grant money available for the park, especially for the acquisition of equipment.  We had a presentation by the Clark County coordinator.

          PLMA Round 6-We were told that Clark County has completed the request for approximately $42 Million in this next round of BLM fund distribution.  This entire amount should complete the park.  We will not know if this will be granted until sometime in the Summer of '05, but we have the support of every mayor in Clark County and every Law Enforcement Agency in the area.  Each have sent letters to BLM in support for our proposal.

          Program Construction Coordinator-The county is going to hire this individual to oversee the many aspects of build out.  I'm not certain when they are going to post the position.

          Don Turner-The Advisory Committee's consultant will be coming on board as a full time employee of the county effective 1/17/05 .  Don will be the shooting park's Program Manager and will have coordinating responsibilities over all aspects of the shooting park as we move forward.  Don is retiring from the Arizona Game, Fish and Parks Dept. after more than 30 years.  For the past several years he has been in charge of the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix .  He has written several books on shooting range development and sits on the National Shooting Sports Federation's range committee.  Don has been nominated to the NRA Board of Directors which means he will be the first Nevadan to have a chance to be on the NRA Board in recent memory. (ALL NRA MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO VOTE FOR DON WHEN THEY RECEIVE THEIR BALLOTS IN JANUARY)

          Branding-Nope I ain't talkin' about puttin' a hot iron on this dogie, but rather a better name for our facility.  Everyone agrees that the Clark County Sport Shooting Park just doesn't roll off the tongue.  There are untold pitfalls to comin' up with a different name, but in order to effectively market the park it's going to be important to have a better, more descriptive moniker for it. Everyone points out that local golf courses have done an excellent job of this.  I've heard a number of suggestions from "Quail Springs Shooting Facility" to "SHOOT! Las Vegas " to "Shadow Mountain Range" and on and on. I don't know if there is going to be a contest or if we'll hire a firm to develop a "brand", but I'll keep ya all informed. (Let's hope that someone doesn't mount a campaign to name it after some politician.  I don't know how many folks would wanta shoot at the " Harry Reid Range" or at the "Oscar Goodman Gun Club"!)


That's about it, with one small exception.  Y'all gotta keep this under yer sombrero's, but the rumor continues to persist that the days of Ben Avery are numbered.  The Arizona Game, Fish, and Parks Dept. is under continuing pressure to close it down, sell it off for big bucks, and establish some smaller shooting ranges to replace it.  In this discussion I was asked if the Southern Nevada CAS clubs could handle an event the size of Winter Range .  I told the questioner that I thought that if the four Clark County clubs, with the help of the Pahrump outfits, consolidated for something like this, we probably could do it.


Buckaroos and Buckarettes, this is a few years down the trail, but it's something to start thinkin' about. With Ben Avery gone, there would be a huge void in the SASS schedule that we could fill.  Food for thought, nothin' more!


I hope y'all have a great holiday! I hope that Santa brings ya everything that you asked for, especially that painted pony that you've wanted since ya were 5 years old!


 Your humble servant,

Otto N. Sure  

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of 09/15/04

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters

A great big Western Howdy Pards and Pardettes!  For those of you that may not  have been following the ongoing saga of the Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee, we meet every month.  Since the beginning of 2025 we have been alternating between long (one hour plus) sub-committee meetings one month with no full committee meeting and a short sub-committee meeting and a full committee meeting the next month.

August was our month for a full committee meeting, so September was supposed to be just sub-committee meetings.  Not this month!  No siree Bob!  This month we had our long sub-committee meetings and then a full committee meeting. Why, you might ask, was there a change...well buckaroos and buckarettes it's election/campaign season!

Anyone who thinks that the spending of more than $50 million isn't political just came out from under a cabbage leaf. With this kind of money bein' tossed around there are folks who want to (and need to) take some credit for this happening right here in Clark County.

What does this have to do with last night's full committee meeting? Well, the sole purpose was to arrange for a media celebration of the Shooting Park.  On display will be our various national elected officials headlined by Senator Harry Reid and Senator John Ensign.  Followed quickly by Representatives Shelly Berkely, Jon Porter, and probably Jim Gibbons.  If that weren't enough (and don'tcha think it ought to be?), they'll probably be joined by the all of the unindicted members of the Clark County Board of Commissioners and a City Councilman or two from Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, and any other little hamlet that thinks they had somethin' to do with it.

In truth, this probably isn't a bad idea.  These are the folks, Harry Reid especially, that really did the heavy lifting to get the BLM to release our 2880 acres.  Now they want a little recognition prior to election day. The plan is to have all of the above politicos and probably more joined by as many interested Valley shooters as possible at the shooting site. Not the official ground breaking, but rather it will be a celebration of what is to be.

Tentative date for this Hoo Haw is Monday, October 18th, (probably around  lunch time). I encourage you all to take a look at your calendar and see if you might be able to fit this into your schedule.  Wear yer Cowboy and Cowgirl duds, strap on yer six shooters if ya wanna, and show these hombres that at least the folks that do CAS are excited about the prospects of the park!

Until then, I remain your humble servant
Otto N. Sure

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Clark County Sport Shooting Park Advisory Committee

 Meeting of 08/10/04

Represented by Otto N. Sure on behalf of the Southern Nevada Cowboy Shooters

Hi and Howdy Buckaroos and Buckarettes!  This is gettin' more interestin' every time we have a meetin'!!  At last night's full Advisory Committee gathering (the full Advisory Committee usually meets every other month, the individual Task Forces meet every month)we heard the news that we've all been waiting for:  Interior Secretary Gale Norton has approved our initial funding of $15.8 million which should be sufficient for development of Phase I of our shooting range.

Secretary Norton made the announcement last Thursday, 8/5.  In addition to the $15.8 million, we also have received $1.8 million for ancillary expenses for a total of $17.6 million.  Parks and Rec had not expected approval until late September or Secretary Norton's announcement came as a bit of a surprise. (Can you say "politics"??)

What this means is that Shooting Park will become a reality!! Parks and Rec will be submitting a proposal to BLM for Round 6 in the amount of $43 million which represents complete build-out of the range and, based on the commitment from all parties, we should see approval of these funds by late next summer.

Since we already had authorization for $500,000 in preliminary funding, a contract has been let for what's called pre-engineering.  This is the overview of the entire property from a geological, archealogical, and every other point of view.  It is necessary as we have so many permits to obtain from virtually every governmental entity under the sun!! The pre-engineering should be complete in early January.  In the interim, we'll be coordinating full engineering-land, power, water & sewer, etc.-along with initial architectural designs, and a myriad of other sub projects that must come together. Yep, this is your government at work!!

In other news, Don Turner our consultant from Ben Avery in Phoenix has been offered a three year extension on his consultancy contract.  We are very hopeful that he'll accept. Parks and Rec has decided to have a booth built to be used at local and national gatherings and they have committed to a full representation at the 2025 SHOT Show, and hopefully the National NRA convention, etc. We will be seeking out National and International shooting events to be held at the park.

We had some very interesting presentations at last night's meeting.  We heard from the Las Vegas Valley Water Authority about the impact of the on-going 5 year draught on growth including our range and we heard from the Regional Flood District about the areas of the range that could be subject to 100 year floods-talk about weird... "Yep, we're in the worst draught on record and yep it's gonna flood."

We also heard from Nevada Power and their plans for transmission line development.  They'd like to run high lines along the back of the range, about 1.5 miles from the front of the property.  Although this is in the very early planning stages it could be good for the range as Nevada Power will have to pay the range for each tower and will have to fund and build the maintenance road, which we need anyway. We'll see how this plays out.

Finally, because of the authorization for our initial funding, the Advisory Committee wants to have a formal ground breaking ceremony.  We'll be meeting next month to decide when would be an appropriate time to really let the world know that the Clark County Sport Shooting Park is a reality! (just between you and me, I hope we can come up with a better name...somehow CCSSP doesn't just give one much of a vision of what this place is gonna be!!)

Until next time I remain, your humble servant,

Otto N. Sure

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Link to Clark County Parks  Page for current information about the 
Shooting Facility

Link to BLM with information about Nevada Lands

Representing Nevada CAS at the shooting park executive board

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